Statement on Women’s Month by Deputy Speaker Pia S. Cayetano (Taguig City, 2nd District)
Today marks the start of Women’s Month, a celebration that highlights the contributions of women in building stronger communities and a better nation, one where every family is welltaken care of and nurtured.
It is the most perfect time to recognize the different roles women play in our society – as vital members of the workforce, as government’s partners in social welfare, and as mothers who rearthe next generation of Filipinos.
We particularly should acknowledge our real-life Pinays In Action, our barangay health workers (BHWs) whose commitment to protect the health of our children and families is truly unparalleled.
In 2017, women made up 98 percent (272,315 out of 276,919) of the total number of active BHWs in the country. These Pinays In Action are the frontliners of our health programs.
Now, at a time when our country is hounded by grave concerns like the decline in parents’ confidence in vaccines and the ensuing measles outbreak in some provinces, these same women are the ones working at the grassroots, promoting children’s health and convincing parents to have their kids immunized. It is therefore our honor to pay tribute to our women health workers during this month-long celebration.
On a last note, and for our part, we assure all fellow Pinays in Action that we will continue to champion initiatives that uplift the lives of Filipinas and their families. We already started our fight in Congress, through the passage of key legislation like the Reproductive Health Act, Magna Carta of Women, and the 105-Day Expanded Maternity Leave Law, which was recently signed by President Rodrigo Duterte. We intend to achieve more in the years to come, inwhatever capacity as advocates of women, the family and community. #

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