Senator Pia Cayetano in Bohol

Listen to health experts on vaccination

Tagbilaran City, Bohol – Senator Pia S. Cayetano has urged mothers to heed the advice of medical professionals and health workers on the importance of immunizing their children against vaccine-preventable diseases.

At the same time, the senator urged parents to ignore ‘fake news,’ including baseless claims against immunization that are posted by dubious sources on social media.

Cayetano is the principal sponsor in the Senate of the landmark Mandatory Infants and Children Health Immunization Act of 2011, or Republic Act No.10152.

“When I visit communities and speak with mothers, I raise important topics like vaccination for their children,” said the senator, who met with various groups in Tagbilaran City on Tuesday (June 20). The groups included mothers, barangay health workers, and barangay nutrition scholars, among others.

“It was on the news just the other day that cases of measles in our country are on the rise,” the senator noted, citing a report from the health department over the weekend that measles cases have increased by 339 percent as of May 20 this year.

“And it breaks my heart whenever I hear about children dying of measles,” she shared, while adding that these deaths could be prevented with routine vaccination.

“That’s why I always share my story to fellow mothers that I have also lost a child. My child had Trisomy 13. It’s very rare and no medical intervention can save the life of a child with this condition. But for measles and polio, there are medical interventions that can save a life, right?” she added.

She continued: “So that’s my message to the mothers. Don’t pay attention to [negative claims against vaccination] on TikTok. Mga fake news yan!”

“Listen to the doctors and the health workers to know what’s best for your children. It’s heartbreaking to lose a child. I’ve lost a child. So that has always been my message and it hasn’t changed. Basic yan: immunization,” she concluded. #

Senator Pia Cayetano in Bohol
In a dialogue with groups of mothers and community health workers in Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Senator Pia S. Cayetano stressed the importance of listening to health experts on immunization. She also urged the mothers to ignore ‘fake news’ vs. vaccination on socmed, including TikTok.





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