Doctors vs the Vape Law

My heart is broken, my spirit is not

Statement of Sen. Pia S. Cayetano on the lapsing of the Vape Bill into law

I felt a glimmer of hope while listening to the SONA yesterday, when the President repeatedly emphasized that science will be a cornerstone of his administration’s programs, including in health and education.

I thought this means that the Vape Bill would be vetoed, because the science clearly tells us just how harmful these products are, while medical experts have repeatedly said how the Vape Bill masquerades as a health measure, as it really pushes for de-regulation, not regulation, and harm introduction, not harm reduction.

To say that I am disappointed in the 18th Congress that passed the bill, and with the President for not vetoing it, will not do justice to the millions of lives that will be put in harm’s way because of the Vape Law.

My heart is broken but my spirit is not.

I will never stop fighting for the health and well-being of the Filipinos, even against strong lobbies of industries and policymakers who choose to support their interests over the people.#

Call to Veto the Vape Bill
Senator Pia Cayetano expresses disappointment over the lapsing of the Vape Bill into law, despite the strong opposition expressed by several medical associations, which cited the measure’s dangers to public health and the youth.






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