Women achievers feted at the Senate

Women achievers are role models not just to young girls, but to young boys, as well
Manifestation on outstanding women commended by the Senate

By Senator Pia S. Cayetano

Thank you, Mr. President, just a short intervention. I join my colleagues in honoring the women present with us today, and those who are not here, the TOWNS (The Outstanding Women in the Nation’s Service) awardees.

Mr President, what I’d like to emphasize is this: when we showcase women and what they have achieved, it is very common that we say that little girls will see them, and know what their full potential can be. And this is the role that they now have because they are paving the way for young girls.

But, I had the chance to speak to two of our Jiu Jitsu international champions over here [World Jiu-Jitsu champions Meggie Ochoa and Kimberly Custodio]. And I told them, aside from inspiring the little girls, they are also inspiring the future of boys who mingle with these little girls. These boys will understand that women equally hold the fort, that women are equal partners. In fact, in many instances, and many of my dear [male] colleagues here will admit, that their partner is the ‘better’ partner: running the household, taking care of the children, and also working in whatever career they have. That is the truth, your honor.

And until men, and for that matter, young boys are able to see that through women like them who pave the way, we will continue to have the struggle of inequality. And for that reason, I honor all of you because you show the world, both boys and girls, what women can achieve. Congratulations and thank you, dear colleagues, for taking the time to honor these women. #

Pia Cayetano
In her manifestation acknowledging outstanding women feted at the Senate, Senator Pia S. Cayetano stressed that women achievers are inspiring models not just to young girls, but to young boys as well, particularly in instilling awareness on gender equality and respect for women.
Senators commend the 2022 awardees of The Outstanding Women in the Nation’s Service (TOWNS) at the first session of the Senate in 2023.
World Jiu-Jitsu Champions
Senator Pia S. Cayetano poses with Philippine Jiu-Jitsu team members Meggie Ochoa and Kimberly Custodio, gold medalists at the 2022 Ju-Jitsu World Championships, and Team PH coach, Stephen Kamphuis.



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