Tag: Tax Reforms

  • On President Duterte’s certification of CITIRA (SBN 1357) as urgent

    On President Duterte’s certification of CITIRA (SBN 1357) as urgent

    By certifying CITIRA as urgent, President Duterte affirms the need for a more fair, efficient, and accountable tax system to foster a stronger economy.

  • Pia open to higher sin taxes on alcoholic drinks in the Senate

    Pia open to higher sin taxes on alcoholic drinks in the Senate

    Senate Ways and Means Chair Pia S. Cayetano on Wednesday (August 21) said she is inclined to go with the Department of Finance’s (DOF) proposal to raise excise taxes on alcoholic beverages, with the goal of generating more funds for the Universal Health Care (UHC) Program. “Technically, I have not adopted anything yet. But I…

  • Tax reform passage needed to fund social services -Pia

    Tax reform passage needed to fund social services -Pia

    Improving the government’s delivery of services to Filipino families is the primary goal of reforming the country’s tax measures, Senator Pia S. Cayetano reiterated on Wednesday (August 21). “We’re passing taxation measures not because it is being imposed upon us by any international body. We’re in a position where we are cleaning up our [own]…

  • Pia wants ‘alcopops’ pulled out of store shelves

    Pia wants ‘alcopops’ pulled out of store shelves

    Senator Pia S. Cayetano has called the attention of distributors and sellers of flavored alcoholic drinks called “alcopops” for using unethical and illegal marketing schemes to entice young Filipinos to buy their products. Alcopops are flavored alcoholic beverages, a variety of which is packed in colorful foil pouches similar to juice beverages.“I was very bothered when…

  • Pia: Time to re-study PH corporate tax rates

    Pia: Time to re-study PH corporate tax rates

    “The time is right to re-study our tax rates and incentives.”Senate Ways and Means Committee Chair Pia S. Cayetano said this on Thursday (August 15), following the panel’s organizational meeting to discuss the Duterte government’s Comprehensive Tax Reform Program (CTRP).Cayetano heads the Senate body tasked to tackle the remaining tax proposals under CTRP, including Package…

  • Senate ways and means panel holds first hearing

    Senate ways and means panel holds first hearing

    Senate Ways and Means Committee Chair Pia S. Cayetano is set to lead the body’s organizational meeting on Thursday (August 15) to discuss an overview of the government’s tax reform measures. The meeting will focus on the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program (CTRP), a primary component of the Duterte government’s strategy to achieve its growth targets…

  • 15-18 months reasonable time to pass tax reforms *

    15-18 months reasonable time to pass tax reforms *

    As chair of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, it is my job to present to my colleagues all the information they need to make an informed decision on the priority tax reforms of the Duterte government.  I believe that the 15-18 months timetable projected  by Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez III will give our committee…

  • Statement on priority tax reform measures

    Statement on priority tax reform measures

    In past Congresses, I focused on the delivery  of social services like education and health.Now, I have the opportunity to continue this advocacy from a finance perspective.  As chair of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, I look forward to working with our counterparts in the House of Representatives and our economic managers led by…