Category: Featured

  • Ways and means panel tackles ‘sin’ taxes on alcoholic drinks

    Ways and means panel tackles ‘sin’ taxes on alcoholic drinks

    Senate Ways and Means Committee Chair Pia S. Cayetano will lead on Tuesday (August 20) the panel’s second public discussion on the government’s Comprehensive Tax Reform Program (CTRP).  Discussions will focus on Package 2+ of the CTRP, which imposes higher excise taxes on alcoholic beverages. E-cigarettes, including heated tobacco and vapor products, are also covered…

  • Pia wants ‘alcopops’ pulled out of store shelves

    Pia wants ‘alcopops’ pulled out of store shelves

    Senator Pia S. Cayetano has called the attention of distributors and sellers of flavored alcoholic drinks called “alcopops” for using unethical and illegal marketing schemes to entice young Filipinos to buy their products. Alcopops are flavored alcoholic beverages, a variety of which is packed in colorful foil pouches similar to juice beverages.“I was very bothered when…

  • Pia: Time to re-study PH corporate tax rates

    Pia: Time to re-study PH corporate tax rates

    “The time is right to re-study our tax rates and incentives.”Senate Ways and Means Committee Chair Pia S. Cayetano said this on Thursday (August 15), following the panel’s organizational meeting to discuss the Duterte government’s Comprehensive Tax Reform Program (CTRP).Cayetano heads the Senate body tasked to tackle the remaining tax proposals under CTRP, including Package…

  • Senate ways and means panel holds first hearing

    Senate ways and means panel holds first hearing

    Senate Ways and Means Committee Chair Pia S. Cayetano is set to lead the body’s organizational meeting on Thursday (August 15) to discuss an overview of the government’s tax reform measures. The meeting will focus on the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program (CTRP), a primary component of the Duterte government’s strategy to achieve its growth targets…

  • Pia wants CCTVs in government offices

    Pia wants CCTVs in government offices

    Public office is a public trust, and therefore should be transparent and accountable to the people at all times.  Thus stressed Senator Pia S. Cayetano, who has filed a measure that will mandate the installation of closed circuit television (CCTV) systems in all government offices throughout the country. Called the ‘Surveillance Camera for Government Establishments…

  • Pia: Listen to experts on Dengvaxia

    Pia: Listen to experts on Dengvaxia

    “Let’s listen to the experts.” This is what Senator Pia S. Cayetano had to say about recent calls to revive the Dengvaxia vaccine following the Department of Health’s (DOH) declaration of a dengue epidemic throughout the country. In a television interview on Friday (August 9), Cayetano said she agreed with President Rodrigo Duterte’s position to…

  • Pia backs better health promotion vs outbreaks

    Pia backs better health promotion vs outbreaks

    Senator Pia S. Cayetano on Wednesday (August 7) urged the health department to take advantage of available resources to strengthen its information drive on the importance of government’s expanded program on immunization (EPI). The senator said this during the first public hearing of the Senate Committee on Health and Demography, and amid the Department of…

  • Pia calls for stricter compliance with breastfeeding laws

    Pia calls for stricter compliance with breastfeeding laws

    In keeping up with this year’s Breastfeeding Awareness Month celebration, Senator Pia S. Cayetano called on concerned government agencies to ensure the proper implementation of laws that promote breastfeeding practices among Filipino mothers. “I am duty-bound to do my part in promoting breastfeeding, being the author of the Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Law, together with the…

  • 15-18 months reasonable time to pass tax reforms *

    15-18 months reasonable time to pass tax reforms *

    As chair of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, it is my job to present to my colleagues all the information they need to make an informed decision on the priority tax reforms of the Duterte government.  I believe that the 15-18 months timetable projected  by Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez III will give our committee…

  • Privilege speech on Breastfeeding Month*

    Privilege speech on Breastfeeding Month*

    Mr. President, I believe in the 12 years I was in the Senate, I think without miss, I delivered a speech on breastfeeding every August. And the reason for that is because August is Breastfeeding Month. Thus, I am duty-bound to do my part in promoting breastfeeding, being the author of the Expanded Breastfeeding Law,…